Contact Us

Due to high demand and increased turnaround times, we are closing online orders and commissions effective February 1st. We will start accepting new orders in the Summer. 

If you have an open order with us please know that we are working through a high volume of orders and our turnaround time has significantly increased. We apologize for the increased turnaround time- we have brought on additional help and taken measures to streamline our process. Please understand that each piece we make is handcrafted with care, and we are working as quickly as we can while maintaining our top-tier quality.

We know that the increased turnaround time can be a real inconvenience, but please only contact us if you need to update your address or if you want to cancel your order. We are only a two person team and responding to inquiries takes us out of the shop and away from working on orders, therefore putting us further in the hole. 

Again, at this time please only contact us if you need to update your address or if you want to cancel your order. It may take us a few days to respond. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding- we promise our unique items are worth the wait! 

If you have any questions that are not answered by our FAQ page, please fill out the form below to start an email thread— we’ll get back to you ASAP.